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Monday, August 2, 2010

Wham, Bam, Thank You, Bev!

In other words, it's a quickie. We like quickies sometimes, yes? I thought so.

To be perfectly honest, you might not hear from me much this week until I've had a chance to finish all 784 pages of this amazing novel that I started reading yesterday:

This book is in-fucking-credible. It's engrossing and scary, but not scary in a "jump out and grab you" kind of way. It's like a slow burn; the author plants these little seeds of very bad things in your brain and gives them time to grow, then before you know it you're afraid. This book is "read it at stop lights" good. It's "Just one more page and then I'll make dinner" good. It's "Okay, I'm really going to stop reading at midnight and go to sleep" good.

Let's put it this way: I'm 150 pages into it and nothing too crazy has even happened yet, but when my husband went to bed last night I decided to go up and read in bed because I didn't want to be alone downstairs with it. It's the kind of book you that you need to read with another warm body nearby. It's not even horror - but it's unnerving and a little too real.

So what else is new?

My weekend was good, thanks for asking. Yours?

Lindsay Lohan got out of jail today and Snookie went in.

Alicia Keys got married to some fugly guy with a stupid rapper name.

Chelsea Clinton also got married and her wedding, which lasted exactly ONE DAY, cost more than I'll earn in my lifetime as a working-class schlubb hero.

To quote my almost-three-year-old son, who has taken to singing "Buddy Holly" by Weezer under his breath lately, "I don't care 'bout that."

Gotta run... the siren song of The Passage is calling to me! Too bad I can't answer the call until later tonight because my in-laws are coming in tonight and staying for the next two weeks. *face palm*
