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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sophia Bush

I adore this woman - she is an actress that lights up the screen and is as sexy as all hell.

Lately she and her boyfriend, Austin Nichols, have been tirelessly campaigning to raise money and awareness of the Gulf crisis, visiting the area and actually getting their hands dirty to try to help and understand the situation.  Sophia has now decided to help in another way and is training for a marathon to also raise money for the Gulf.  You can read her personal blog here which is an interesting insight into Sophia.

They are using the site CROWDRISE which was started by Edward Norton as a social fund raising site.  Drop by and see what else Sophia is up to.

Sophia has also written an open letter to Urban Outfitters in the US which has gone viral on the internet as she slams their use of a T-Shirt which promotes the Pro-Anorexia Movement.  Sophia was so disgusted she has made sure everyone knows about it. The letter can also be found on her blog.

You can see why Sophia is one of my very favourite people.  She is using her public profile to shine a light on issues that touch a cord with her and I have nothing but admiration for her....
(and a little bit of a girl crush!)