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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No Wonder I'm Weird

Howdy, neighborinos! It has been a busy day 'round these parts, but I couldn't resist popping in to give you all the online version of a purple-nurple and a bit of a "how's your father?"

Consider yourself tweaked and groped, won't you?

(You're welcome!)

Since I'm kind of tapped-out creatively today I thought I'd share a few scenes from some of the shows that helped develop my twisted little sense of humor back in my miss-spent youth.

First up, I loved Absolutely Fabulous. In this brief clip we find Patsy & Edina going wine-tasting, and I have NO DOUBT that if I were to make it to wine country with with either of my fellow winos friends Mala or Laurie, this is exactly the kind of scene that would unfold. Minus the driving, that is... 'cause we ain't stoopid.

Next is a favorite of mine from The Kids In The Hall. It was hard for me to choose just one....

"My gazebo!"

Hope these made you giggle!

What about you? What favorite comedy shows molded your young, impressionable minds?