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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Get Some Cultcha

Hey, all! I'm battling a nasty virus today, but didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you all. You know the Bev loves ya!

Since it's Wednesday and I'm counting the minutes until my next shot of Nyquil, I can go somewhat wordless. Here are some hilariously bad works of art from The Museum of Bad Art. Don't say I ain't artsy-fartsy!

Kids In the Hall fans will get this:  Mrs. Hurticure?

Like something out of the waiting room scene in Beetlejuice.
This reminds me of FOLOTD Lefty.
Mr. Hanky?
I guess it's better than riding out crabs.
This one is called "Sunday on the pot with George."  I can't top that.

"Disappointment," indeed.

Tons more at MOBA.com!
Have a great Hump day!