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Monday, July 26, 2010

That's it! Next Year I'm THERE.

'Sup, FOOBHs? Nice to see ya'. It's Monday afternoon and I'm just now shaking off the glitter from my clothing after a fun weekend with the fam. Yesterday we hit (Obi-Wan) Canobie Lake Park for some fun and amusement with our friends The Malas. It was a pleasant weekend, without a doubt, yet something was missing....

Here's what was also going on in the world this weekend.

Muppet Aliens! MIB! Storm Troopers!

Yes, it was Comic-Con 2010 in San Diego last weekend, and for the first time in my non-geeky existence I kinda wanted to go! It just looked like fun, what with all the beautiful celebrities (and Chevy Chase, too!), people dressed in silly costumes, and the over-all crazy-coolness of it all.

My little nerdlings would love to meet Darth Vader.

Where else could you see Fat Batman riding an escalator?

Or Spiderman (in his hip hat) with... um, Christina Aguilera?

Most likely reading the "Help Wanted" ads.

Or bump into a Storm Trooper* in the elevator:

I somehow doubt these folks were aware that Comic-Con was going on in this hotel.

Or... whatever the fuck this is?

Don't tell me this doesn't look like a great time! Oh, and the entire cast of True Blood was there, so you know I'm in. Mama like!

Of course, if Sci-Fi isn't your thing, you could always go to Italy and party with Pariah Paris Hilton.

Charming, huh? She's still got it!

I mean it, next year I'm in. Note to self: I really need to stick to my diet if I want to wriggle into that Wonder Woman costume by next July....

* My nerdy knowledgeable friend mjenks informs me that this is actually a "Biker Scout" from Return of the Jedi. Duh, Bev! Stoopid, stoopid!

(All Comic-Con pics are compliments of The Huffington Post)