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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

U.S. Stereotypes

I found this map last week and it made me smile. I admit that since I haven't traveled to every state in this great country yet*, I try to reserve judgment as much as possible. HOWEVER... I really think they nailed the common perceptions that many of us have about different areas of the good old U.S. of A.

Click to enlarge.
Speaking as someone who has spent her entire life living in Vermont and New Hampshire, I do find it interesting that the stereotype for those states is that we are rich. In fact, pardon me while I snort loudly and roll my eyes....  I am clearly in the bottom half of THAT demographic.  While I've never been what I'd consider "poor," I've never exactly been wealthy either.

I can't quite make out what they said for Maine, but it looks like sailing?  I would have said Lobster, but that's just me.  *shrug*  Also, what does "fashion bloggers" refer to?  I feel like an idiot for not getting that.

How'd they do for your state/area?

* I have this crazy pipe dream about renting an RV and taking my family on the ultimate Griswold-style vacation some day, although I'm fairly certain that so much time in an enclosed space with my darling husband and adorable spawnlings might inspire some unfortunate incidents...and possible jail time.  Totally worth it!