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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sustainable Living in Kingsville

Moondoggie and I have started a new project. We decided to make a veggie garden and with the help of a certain Surfer Boy who happens to be good with a hammer, it is starting to come along nicely.

Our back garden has always been a bit of a dog's breakfast due to the fact that 8 years ago we thought we would be renovating soon so didn't want to waste money on an area that would eventually be flattened! We've whacked in some garden beds, pulled up all the concrete and grown some grass but in general it leaves a lot to be desired. The advantage is you can clear a whole bed without losing anything of value and start again with a - veggie garden.

I'm very proud of us - usually I just want to put everything in so it looks pretty but this time we're actually preparing the soil first. A sprinkle of dynamic lifter followed a few days later by manure and a couple of handfuls of lime.

Surfer Boy edged it properly for us and he's promised to fix the window box on the cubby so we can plant herbs there.

Moondoggie and I have decided to only plant things that we like to eat so we have chosen carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and maybe some strawberries (yes we know they're not veggies but gee they're yummy) We might try and grow potatoes too but I think some research needs to be done there first.

I'll keep you posted on our progress.