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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Google Horror - warning, spoilers ahead

I have discovered that as much as I love watching my favourite TV shows on DVD, sometimes it comes back and bites me on the arse.
Take One Tree Hill for example. I have been having a wonderful couple of months working my way through the first three seasons, blissfully unaware of upcoming story lines. Until recently that is!! I have got a friend hooked too, as we all need someone to share the joy, and we stupidly read the back cover of Season 4 only to discover that a much beloved character is dead. This meant that for the last half of season three we have been waiting for the awful deed to happen. We have learnt our lesson and HAVE NOT read the back of season 5.

R.I.P. Keith Scott

This is not the end of my tragedy - You may already know but I have a huge girl-crush on one of the characters, Brooke Davis, played by Sophia Bush. She and Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) are finally back together and all is right in my world....

UNTIL I did something monumentally stupid and googled!! Never, ever google unless you are prepared for the consequences.

While trawling for 'Lucas Scott' pictures to go over at 'Stars Hollow' I was confronted with THIS.... (AVERT YOUR EYES ALISON)

Even for those of you who have no idea who I am talking about it is pretty obvious that the girl sharing LUCAS' BED is NOT in fact the lovely Brooke!
Maybe it is for the best and hopefully by the time Peyton does end up in Lucas' bed I will have reconciled myself to the fact and Brooke (and I) will have moved on.

So heed my advice and DO NOT GOOGLE a beloved show unless you are prepared to stand by your decision.