I received this in my inbox tonight -
Just a reminder that I'm not leaving a comment on your Blog until you write about your Birthday festival!!!!
11 days to go .................
11 days to go .................
Sooo.. it is in fact my birthday coming up and as I am a huge believer in the birthday festival I agree that I should make a fuss of my own. On the 21st, the shortest night of the year, I am turning 40!!!!
After a slow start and tossing many ideas for a celebration up in the air, I have settled on a dinner party with 20 of my wonderful girl friends. Surfer boy suggested it and I can not think of a better way of celebrating the last 40 years than spending it with the girls who have supported me, loved me, encouraged me, partied with me, put up with me, and always, always been there for me.
Clever Surfer boy - he also gets out of having to make a speech which I have a sneaking suspicion may have been the point all along.
Lucky me - I also get to celebrate again with my wonderful extended family which consists of another 7 fabulous and inspiring women. (Also another 8 handsome men and 10 Nieces and nephews, but it's all about the chicks this year.) There is nothing like extending your big day with multiple functions!!!
Sooo, the dinner is on - not of course in my own home - the lovely Jodie and Sis have lent me their studio and along with Sandy from Store 6 who will be feeding us a delicious meal, my Mum is waitressing and with a bit of luck a lot of fun will be had by all.
Now to think of some ideas for the '40 gifts for 40 years' rule. Poor Surfer Boy.
Here's the front of my invite - Just a few of my Favourite Things.