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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Not Again

After work today I did my usual sneak up the road for a cup of tea.... and as usual I got sidetracked in the Sun Bookshop. This strip of Yarraville is particularly dangerous for me as not only is the best movie theatre in Australia here, my favourite bookshop and a cafe full of desserts and Jasmine tea are all side by side.
I used the excuse that I was popping in to get my next book group book, but I seem to have walked out with everything but!

First up was the sequel to the book I am reading at the moment... I couldn't possibly not buy the sequel now could I?

Then I happened across this Christmas gem.

This is the cutest Christmas book I've seen in a long time and I could not resist - it will go in the magic present box until a little closer to December.
How could I not buy a book with illustrations like this?

As I was leaving a standing with my nose pressed up against the glass to drink in the window display I noticed this...

Now I know there are many bloggers out there who must know this book so my questions is - 'Should my pay check next week go on this?'