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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Birthday festival

I am of the firm belief that a birthday should be celebrated for an entire week, hence the Birthday Festival as it is known in my household. Unfortunately James does not subscribe to this philosophy and rolls his eyes every time June comes around.

This year not only has he scoffed at the Birthday Festival, but he is 2 states away!

I can always rely on my fabulous parents to make a nice big fuss of me....EXCEPT THIS YEAR. Not only is James away but Mum and Dad are frolicking around Europe while their eldest and only daughter celebrates her last birthday in her 30's ON HER OWN!!!

Luckily the friends and in-laws have rallied around and I actually seem to be having a birthday festival after all.

On Tuesday the lovely Ally at 'Gourmet On Gamon' presented me with this when I dropped in for a cuppa...

She is aware of the Festival and heartily approves.

Today my lovely mother-in-law and sis-in law had us over for dinner and produced this....

Tomorrow is the apex of the Festival (my actual birthday). I'm yet to see what treats are in store but it had better include some major sucking up by husband and parents!!

All Hail To The Festival Of Birth